Friday, November 16, 2012

Online Passive Income

Each time, when you want to earn money online, you must work – sometimes more, sometimes less. And in this post I’ll show you, what online passive income is, what skills you should have as a blogger and five money making ideas for bloggers. These concepts don’t need a lot of time, sometimes you can forget about your online business for some months (so they areALMOST passive, but not passive!), and, for this reason, they are ideal for bloggers.

But before revealing you these 5 concepts, please let me tell you, what does passive income means for me.

So, passive income means an income generated regularly without any effort. Only effort is (if any) needed at the beginning, when you setup an account in your bank .

Examples of passive income:
-interest of deposits
-rent from real estate (if they don’t need active management!)
-royalties (from written books, screenplays, software programs)
-pension (when you retired, you will get some money as a regular, monthly pension)

Online passive income means for me:
  • Hard work on the beginning (maximal one month of effort, but you may work 16 hours a day .
  • Automation for almost everything, for example purchase, payment, etc. (you should simplify everything as much as possible!
  • Little time for maintaining it (monthly it should be less than one working day.
  • Possibility of delegating tasks to somebody else (so you may go for your monthly holidays.

Now you know what passive income (normal and online) means for me. Does it mean the same for you? But let’s go to another aspects of blogging for money .

With above mentioned assumptions, now you are ready to learn 5 Money Making Ideas for Bloggers. All of them, when properly used, fulfill my requirements about online passive income. Here you are:

  1. Prepare an online product (for example an eBook)
You can earn money by selling it by yourself, or by creating affiliate channels for selling it. In this case you will share some profits with your affiliates (as commission).

  1. Create niche site(s)
Your income will be generated by placing contextual ads on this site. Best choice for contextual advertisement  is Google Adsense, alternatively you may choose Chitika for instance

  1. Product site
It is a mix of points mentioned above. You can create online product (it may be eBook as well) for example WordPress Plugin. But you can promote someone’s product too (in that case, you will get commission from product creator. And you sell this product via your optimized website.

  1. Use your email list
If your list is enough big, you can try to monetize it through affiliate links, sponsored emails, or paid reviews

  1. Make a paid membership site
It’s very simple model of earning – you create great content, limit it only for paid access, and invite your readers (which trust you, that it is worth for paying for it).